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Transnational Company Agreements

Transnational company agreements (TCAs), including International Framework Agreements (IFAs) and similar texts negotiated between MNEs and Global Union Federations (such as joint statements, declarations, statements of intent), are an important form of cross-border social dialogue. They create conditions conducive to respect for the fundamental principles and rights at work, including rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining within multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) operations and activities. They can help to improve industrial relations in the operations covered by the agreements, among other objectives, in order to achieve decent work and sound labour-management relations.

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Found 324 Results
Framework agreement on the principles of GeoPost international management & Development Holding GmB regarding social policy and employment in its sector

CompanyGeopostDate of signature15 March 2000SignatoriesGeoPost, Uni Europa Post, CGT-PTT, FO COM, FUPT-CFDT, Gewerkschaft Kommunikation, ver.diKey objectives“The national and international growth strategy GIMD in its sector implie…

Framework within the alliance agreed between General Motors and FIAT, the European Employee Forum of General Motors sets forward a framework for the implementation at national levels (...)

CompanyGeneral MotorsDate of signature06 July 2000SignatoriesGM, EWC, EMFKey objectives“Framework Within the alliance agreed between General Motors and FIAT, the European Employee Forum of General Motors sets forward a framework f…

General Motors Europe and the European Employee Forum agree on Principes of Social Responsibility

CompanyGeneral MotorsDate of signature29 October 2002SignatoriesGM, EWC, EMFKey objectives“We define sustainable development as our commitment to integrate economic, environmental and social objectives into our long-term strategic…

European frameworkin relation to General Motor's current restructuring initiatives

CompanyGeneral MotorsDate of signature05 March 2001SignatoriesGM, EWC, EMFKey objectives“The European employee Forum (EEF) of general Motors Europe sets forth the following framework in relation to the current restructuring initia…