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General Motors Europe and the European Employee Forum agree on Principes of Social Responsibility


General Motors

Date of signature

29 October 2002



Key objectives

“We define sustainable development as our commitment to integrate economic, environmental and social objectives into our long-term strategic planning, as well as our daily business decisions. (…)An essential aspect of the corporate culture at GME is respectful co-operation. Our basic principles include equality of opportunity, tolerance and fairness in our dealings with each other (…).
As responsible members of society we apply these principles with consistent integrity and we work together to ensure their implementation throughout our organisation.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“All employees have an obligation to follow the principles outlined in this document.”

“The joint endorsement of these principles and guidelines begins with open and transparent communication to all our employees.”

Review and monitoring

“The GME Internal Control Audits, which are conducted on the local levels on an annual basis, ensure the adherence to the principles. Status and compliance issues will be shared and if necessary discussed with the EEF at the regularly scheduled meetings.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

human rights, equal opportunities, integration of people with disabilities, forced labour, child labour, fair treatment (no hostile work environment), right to organise and bargain collectively, skills development, training, health & safety, respect of the legal standards, fair competition, sustainability, responsibility to community.
