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Framework agreement on the principles of GeoPost international management & Development Holding GmB regarding social policy and employment in its sector



Date of signature

15 March 2000


GeoPost, Uni Europa Post, CGT-PTT, FO COM, FUPT-CFDT, Gewerkschaft Kommunikation, ver.di

Key objectives

“The national and international growth strategy GIMD in its sector implies great potential and constant efforts to improve its economic situation. This objective will only be achieved if the customers’ quality expectations are met. A key element for the customer to be and remain satisfied is having motivated collaborators who identify with their company.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“This agreement will be appropriately brought to the knowledge of GIMD and GIMD subsidiaries employees. The signatories of this agreement together commit to ensure its application and seek, where appropriate, cooperation with government institutions.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

right of association and right to negotiate working conditions, health and safety, forced labour, child labour, non discrimination, equal opportunities for women, restructurings (job security, negotiating accompanying conditions), training, complying with working time and minimum wage, protecting the environment, health and safety/ working conditions.
