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Transnational Company Agreements

Transnational company agreements (TCAs), including International Framework Agreements (IFAs) and similar texts negotiated between MNEs and Global Union Federations (such as joint statements, declarations, statements of intent), are an important form of cross-border social dialogue. They create conditions conducive to respect for the fundamental principles and rights at work, including rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining within multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) operations and activities. They can help to improve industrial relations in the operations covered by the agreements, among other objectives, in order to achieve decent work and sound labour-management relations.

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Found 324 Results
ICEM Global Agreement with Endesa

CompanyEndesaDate of signature25 January 2002SignatoriesChairman of the Board and Managing Director of Endesa, Secretary General of UGT, Secretary General of CC.OO, Secretary General of ICEMKey objectives“Both parties [agreed] to…

Enel CSR Protocol

CompanyEnelDate of signature27 April 2009SignatoriesEnel Spa and Italian employees’ organisations FILCEM-Cgil, FLAEI- Cisl and UILCEM-UilKey objectives“The Parties recognize the present Protocol as providing a framework of princip…

Establishment of a European observatory H&S - ENI

CompanyENIDate of signature25 June 2004SignatoriesEni, EMCEF, FILCEM-Cgil, FEMCA- Cisl and UILCEM-Uil (representing EWC)Key objectives“In as much as the parties confirm the validity of the Observatory’s general objectives:- Defenc…

EWC protocol on vocational training - ENI

CompanyENIDate of signature04 June 2002SignatoriesENI, EMCEF, FILCEA-Cgil, FEMCA-Cisl, UILCEM-Uil (representing EWC)Key objectives“1 representative of EMCEF and 3 representatives nominated by the Select Committee of the EWC will p…