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Enel CSR Protocol



Date of signature

27 April 2009


Enel Spa and Italian employees’ organisations FILCEM-Cgil, FLAEI- Cisl and UILCEM-Uil

Key objectives

“The Parties recognize the present Protocol as providing a framework of principles, guidelines and joint intentions relating to Corporate Social Responsibility, delineating forms of implementation also relating to practices such as the joint bodies that are already part of the industrial relations culture of the Company, with a view to placing greater value on them and to promoting a constructive dialogue, and to concluding agreements on specific issues.”


“The present Protocol shall be valid for three years. Six months before it expires, the Parties shall undertake a joint examination of the content, and provision shall be made for amendments or integrations to be adopted on a consensual basis.” (4.1. Duration of the Protocol)

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The envisaged programme of information and consultation in relation to the European Works Council is jointly identified as an important instrument for dissemination of CSR issues throughout the Group, and for the implementation of the Principles in the present Protocol.”

“The Parties undertake to utilise, within their sphere of responsibility, all the instruments of communication at their disposal. In particular, in order to disseminate the contents of the present Protocol as widely as possible, the company will make space available on the company Intranet and on Enel web-TV, also for an in-depth treatment of specific aspects of the Protocol.”

Review and monitoring

“In the month following the publication of the Sustainability Audit, an annual meeting shall be held between the Parties, in the course of which Enel shall provide detailed information. (…)
In relation to these issues, the Trade Unions shall formulate observations and proposals that may be discussed in specific joint meetings with Communications/CSR Management and Personnel Management. (…)
As part of its activities, the Enel Industrial, Occupational and Environmental Observatory shall constantly monitor the application of and compliance with the present Protocol. In cases in which it is considered necessary and/or in connection with specific requests, it may require information and documents in this connection, in line with the principle of transparency and information in relation to stakeholders, as well as formulating observations and carrying out an assessment of the degree of implementation and applicability of the present Protocol.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

industrial relations, health and safety, training, sustainable development, equal opportunities and non discrimination, gender equality.
