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Establishment of a European observatory H&S - ENI



Date of signature

25 June 2004


Eni, EMCEF, FILCEM-Cgil, FEMCA- Cisl and UILCEM-Uil (representing EWC)

Key objectives

“In as much as the parties confirm the validity of the Observatory’s general objectives:
- Defence of the health and safety of workers at their places of work;
- Achieving a uniform level of defence and protection for all the workers of the Eni
Group employed in the European Union (…)”
“The parties agree to renew the accord on the European Observatory (…)”
“The present agreement replaces and nullifies the earlier agreement of 21 June 1996, as well as the regulations of June 1999.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Not defined

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Agreement on transnational industrial relations and corporate social responsibility (2002/2009)
EWC protocol on vocational training (2002)

Main topic

Health and safety,

Secondary topic(s)

international social dialogue.
