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Agreement on social responsibility - Valeo



Date of signature

10 July 2012


Director of Group Labor Relations, Corporate Office of the European Committee IG Metall, FM / CCOO, CFDT, CFE-CGC, NZZPVP, FGTB VASAS, SIPTU, HRT Sunderland

Key objectives

« This agreement aims to back-up the growing internationalisation of the Valeo Group in social terms, in accordance with its principles of Responsibility, its Code of Ethics, and its sustainable development policy, which aims to satisfy its partners in a balanced manner. This agreement is the outcome of a voluntary approach to promote social and environmental practices ranging far beyond legal and regulatory obligations.»


3 years
Termination upon 6 months notice.

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""The Valeo Group will organise specific communication intended for managers to ensure that they inform their teams of the implementation of this agreement and support the process.
The Valeo Group will inform its sub-contractors of the existence of this text, and particularly the principles applicable for sub-contractors.
The Valeo Group makes a commitment to notify this agreement to employee representatives of legal entities within the scope of this agreement
"" All signatories agree to submit this Agreement to the attention of Group employees based on their own communication vectors. In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, each company will have to gradually implement the agreement and to define the conditions of application.""

Review and monitoring

The Monitoring Committee shall consist of all officers of the European Works Council. Each company concerned performs its own annual report as part of a special meeting between the representatives of the employees, in appropriate conditions for dialogue.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Each employee can contact his superior Human Resources Director, a union representative and / or a representative of the employees. If the problem persists, the Director of the Group Labor Relations may be referred for further action.

Related texts

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Declaration of the Rights of the Child, ILO Conventions, the guiding principles of the OECD of 17 June 2000

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights and sustainable development

Secondary topic(s)

Safety, health, employability, training, wellness at work, environment, economic performance and dialogue with all partners. Human rights code, sustainable development charter, discrimination, contractual relationship with subcontractors, customers and suppliers
