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Total European agreement on assistance in creation, purchase or development of small and medium sized businesses



Date of signature

28 March 2007


Manager of Human Resources and Communication of Total SA, EMCEF, FECCIA, FECER

Key objectives

“In consultation with the European Federation of Trade Unions, the Total Group’s General Management wishes to develop these experiments in favour of employment in the local employment areas surrounding its main European establishments. (…)
This undertaking is made in addition to actions brought about by public players and institutions whose mission is to stimulate local economic development. (…)
The Total Group’s general management and the European Federation of Trade Unions intend to record the undertaking and actions formalised in this agreement on the one hand in the Lisbon strategy renewed in 2005, prioritising actions in favour of employment, and on the other hand as part of the Total Group’s community responsibility.”


3 years
“At the end of the 36 months set for the experimental period, the Total Group’s general management and the European Federations of Trade Unions will meet to study the follow-ups which are advisable to give to the agreement. Negotiations will be undertaken in order to extend or adapt, by additional clauses, the text of the European agreement.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“It is agreed between the Total Group’s general management and the European Federations of Trade Unions, that the provisions stated in articles 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3 of the present agreement will be, in an initial phase, implemented experimentally in four European employment areas one of which being French, determined at the latest within three months of signing the present framework agreement.
The principle of using all the assistance provided for in this agreement (articles 2 and 3), as well as the means for their implementation, will have to be the subject of a business agreement negotiated within each Total subsidiary.”

“In order to enable the Group’s subsidiaries to adhere under the best conditions possible to the objectives contained in the present agreement and to enable the employees to be made aware of the procedures provided for by the present agreement, the Group’s General Management will implement a campaign for presenting these objectives and the provisions contained therein.”
“The present agreement will be lodged with the Direction Départementale du Travail et de l’Emploi (Regional Management of Work and Employment) to which Total head offices are responsible as well as the Registry of the Labour Court in Nanterre and with the European Commission in Brussels (DG EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY).”

Review and monitoring

“The implementation of each assistance operation will give rise to informing the staff representatives of the subsidiary under the conditions set by the negotiation cited in article 4-2.
This follow-up will have to enable the subsidiary’s staff representatives to give their opinion on the courses of direction they wish to see implemented in the framework of the subsidiary’s regional development policy within the employment area.
A balance sheet of all the cases having given rise to the allocation of assistance by the different subsidiaries will also be examined once a year, during the Sustainable Development Committee, Social Responsibility of the Business, Environment and Safety of the European Commission, and communicated to members of the Liaison Office. The committee members will also be able, given the knowledge they have of the area, to give a summary of the sectors of activity in which they would like to see the Group implement and develop an assistance policy for small and medium sized businesses.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

European agreement – social platform (2004)
European agreement on Equal Opportunities (2005)

Main topic

Local economic development,

Secondary topic(s)

social dialogue.
