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Global Framework Protocol between Telekom indonesia and UNI Global Union


Telekom indonesia

Date of signature

21 September 2010


Vice President Industrial Relations Telkom Indonesia, Vice President UNI Telecom, Regional Secretary UNI Global Union Asia Pacific

Key objectives

“This agreement materializes the objectives of the initiatives between Telkom Indonesia and UNI Global Union to negotiate a “Labour-Management Agreement on Code of Conduct” and sign the Global Framework Agreement, which enshrines trade union, social and labour rights within Telkom Indonesia, at both national and international level.”Given that UNI Global see the relations between the management of Telkom Indonesia and the Union as an example of good practice which UNI Global and others concerned by fair labour relations would be pleased to see upheld as an exchange throughout Southeast Asia and elsewhere.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“To assist Telkom Indonesia, UNI Global Union will use its global network to provide the company with appropriate information.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

child Labour and forced labour, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, information and consultation, health and safety, gender equality.
