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Transnational Company Agreements

Transnational company agreements (TCAs), including International Framework Agreements (IFAs) and similar texts negotiated between MNEs and Global Union Federations (such as joint statements, declarations, statements of intent), are an important form of cross-border social dialogue. They create conditions conducive to respect for the fundamental principles and rights at work, including rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining within multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) operations and activities. They can help to improve industrial relations in the operations covered by the agreements, among other objectives, in order to achieve decent work and sound labour-management relations.

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Found 324 Results
Global Framework Agreement on Digital Transformation - Solvay

CompanySolvayDate of signature17 March 2020SignatoriesCEO, Global forum coordinatorKey objectives"The aim of this document is to provide a framework for management and employee representatives to engage with these issues locally t…

Joint declaration on inclusion and diversity - Generali

CompanyGeneraliDate of signature26 June 2019SignatoriesManagement, EWC representativeKey objectives"Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A (...) and the European Works Council of the Generali Group represented by the Select Committee, under…

Agreement on fighting against sexual harassment -AccorInvest

CompanyAccordInvestDate of signature17 September 2019SignatoriesCEO, General Secretary IUFKey objectives"AccorInvest and the IUF believe that a zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment is necessary to prevent and provide remedie…

Global Agreement between UNI Global Union and Banco de la Nación Argentina

CompanyBanco de la Nación ArgentinaDate of signatureAugust 24, 2023SignatoriesPresident of the company, Uni Global Union and Associacion la Bancaria (Argentinian workers organisation for the banking industry)Key objectives“The par…