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Global Agreement between UNI Global Union and Banco de la Nación Argentina


Banco de la Nación Argentina

Date of signature

August 24, 2023


President of the company, Uni Global Union and Associacion la Bancaria (Argentinian workers organisation for the banking industry)

Key objectives

“The parties wish to use this global agreement to strengthen and sustain their dialogue on human rights and fundamental labour rights, in particular freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, to support the pursuit of the sustainable growth of Banco de la Nación Argentina’s activities and satisfactory working conditions for the Bank’s workers in the countries where they operate.”


“This agreement could be renewed by tacit agreement for a further period of four years, after expiration.”

Implementation and dissemination

“The parties will communicate this agreement and the commitment to its principles to all their respective organizations and structures and both will be responsible for implementing the agreement in good faith. Banco Nación Argentina will publish this agreement on its website and communicate it to national and local management, as well as to UNI affiliates in the different countries where it operates.

Review and monitoring

“The parties agree that a Joint Central Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the agreement will meet once a year to review progress in the implementation of the agreement.

This supervisory process will be established and managed by UNI, the Asociación Bancaria (editor note : the Argentinian workers organisation in the banking sector) and the Central Administration of Banco de la Nación Argentina.

The committee shall meet extraordinarily at the request of either party if circumstances require it.

Both parties will be equally represented on the monitoring committee, with five representatives from Banco de la Nación Argentina, one representative from UNI and three representatives from our affiliate La Bancaria Association.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“The parties agree to a consensual dispute resolution process and will make every effort to resolve issues through consultation.

Specific workers’ issues or local collective bargaining disputes shall be dealt with and governed by local dispute resolution procedures.

If a complaint about this arrangement cannot be resolved by the relevant country or regional manager, UNI may raise the matter with the Central Management of Banco de la Nación Argentina.

An open and transparent investigation will then be conducted without delay. If the matter remains unresolved, it may be referred to the Central Supervisory Committee.

At the request of either party, and where both parties agree that it may be appropriate, they shall make a joint presentation of the Agreement and provide information about it in the country where the dispute is taking place.

ln the event that the parties are unable to resolve a dispute concerning the implementation of this agreement after discussions during the meeting of the monitoring committee, it may be submitted, by mutual agreement, to a mediator. The mediator shall be chosen jointly by the parties. The request for mediation shall not be rejected by either party without a valid reason.”

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