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Transnational Company Agreements

Transnational company agreements (TCAs), including International Framework Agreements (IFAs) and similar texts negotiated between MNEs and Global Union Federations (such as joint statements, declarations, statements of intent), are an important form of cross-border social dialogue. They create conditions conducive to respect for the fundamental principles and rights at work, including rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining within multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) operations and activities. They can help to improve industrial relations in the operations covered by the agreements, among other objectives, in order to achieve decent work and sound labour-management relations.

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Found 324 Results
Joint Declaration - Santander

CompanySantanderDate of signature21 May 2008SignatoriesSenior Management representatives of Grupo Santander, EWCKey objectives“[With a view to] creating a more favourable framework for the full effectiveness and implementation of…

European Agreement on the Anticipation of Change - Schneider Electric

CompanySchneider ElectricDate of signature12 July 2007SignatoriesExecutive Vice-President for Strategic Human Resources and Organisation of Schneider Electric, Deputy General Secretary of the European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF…

International Framework Agreement between Schwanhäußer Industrie Holding GmbH & Co KG, 90562 Heroldsberg, germany and IG Metall, germany / International Federation of Building and Wood Workers (IFBWW).

CompanySchwan StabiloDate of signature07 September 2005SignatoriesSchwan STABILO, IG Metall, International Federation of Building and Wood Workers (IFBWW)Key objectives“Schwan STABILO is aware of the social and ethical responsibil…

Agreement between Securitas AB (publ) and Union Network International and Swedish transport Workers’ Union on the development of good working relations in the Securitas group

CompanySecuritasDate of signature26 October 2012SignatoriesCEO Securitas AB, UNI Global Union General Secretary, Swedish Transports Workers' Union PresidentKey objectives« The Global agreement allows Securitas to achieve its busin…