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Transnational Company Agreements

Transnational company agreements (TCAs), including International Framework Agreements (IFAs) and similar texts negotiated between MNEs and Global Union Federations (such as joint statements, declarations, statements of intent), are an important form of cross-border social dialogue. They create conditions conducive to respect for the fundamental principles and rights at work, including rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining within multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) operations and activities. They can help to improve industrial relations in the operations covered by the agreements, among other objectives, in order to achieve decent work and sound labour-management relations.

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Found 324 Results
European and global works councils: key venues for cross-border social dialogue within multinational companies

The European Union has created a legal framework for the establishment of employee representation bodies at the cross-border level, known as European Works Councils (EWCs) (see the repository's page dedicated to the EWC)Some compa…

Commitment for the Employment of Disabled Persons in Europe - PPR

CompanyPinault Printemps RedouteDate of signature14 October 2008SignatoriesPPR Group and PPR European Works CouncilKey objectives"The aim of this document is to set out a certain number of principles and guidelines, while allowing…

Framework of Commitments on Quality of life at Work and Prevention of Work-related Stress within the PPR Group in Europe

CompanyPinault Printemps RedouteDate of signature27 July 2010SignatoriesManagement of PPR Group, representatives of EWC PPRKey objectives“The purpose of this Charter is as follows:- Define a framework of commitments on the quality…

Declaration of the Social rights and Industrial relations within the Prym Group

CompanyPrymDate of signature07 July 2004SignatoriesPrym Group, EWC Prym Group, International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF)Key objectives“By means of this declaration Prym documents the basic social rights and principles. They are…