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Suez Group agreement on gender equality in the workplace



Date of signature

31 March 2015


CEO, HRD, EPSU, Special negotiating body, French union organizations.

Key objectives

""The parties agree to work together on the different areas for improvement outlined in this agreement in order to fight against stereotypes and promote equality between all male and female employees in the Group. The diversity of countries represented within the European scope of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT represents an opportunity and an advantage in affirming the Group's commitments. ""


Until 31th December 2018

Applicable law

""In accordance with the provisions of the French Labour Code, the Agreement shall be filed at the Nanterre DIRECCTE and the registry of the Nanterre “Conseil de Prud’hommes”.""

Implementation and dissemination

""All Group companies with over 150 employees commit to establishing an overview of actions taken to promote gender equality in the workplace, and undertake to define a new action plan including the topics covered in this agreement. Companies with more than 150 employees that do not yet have an action plan on this matter, must implement the provisions of this agreement within 15 months of its signing. ""

Review and monitoring

A first level follow-up of the targets will be carried out at local level by the committees mentioned above. "" During the special annual meetings held, the Employment and Training Working Group - in the presence of the European federations that have signed this agreement - will provide monitoring of the Agreement in accordance with the conditions stipulated in Article 14 herein. It shall be up to the Employment and Training Working Group to define the indicators as well as the mechanisms of monitoring and control.""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

""Recruitment must comply with completely equal pay between men and women for equivalent skills and job level or between jobs with the same responsibility. In the event that an individual case of discrimination occurs, infringing current regulations, it must be dealt with within a maximum of period of 3 months with retroactive effect""

Related texts

Group agreement on fundamental principles regarding health and safety

Main topic

Equality between men and women

Secondary topic(s)

recruitement, career progression, equal pay, professional training, mentoring, employee representation, maternity leave, part-time, work-life balance, sexual harassment, attitude/behaviour
