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International framework agreement - ThyssenKrupp



Date of signature

16 March 2015


CEO, HRD, IndustriAll Global Union, German Group Works council, German union IG Metall

Key objectives

"lt is upon this foundation that the Board of Management of ThyssenKrupp , the Group Works Council, IG Metall and the lndustriALL Global Union document through this framework agreement fundamental aims and principles of cooperation in a spirit of social responsibility."


Not defined

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Responsibility for implementation shall be borne by the Management Boards and Directors of the subsidiaries. The awareness of responsible persons shall be raised and employees' representatives shall be involved in this process. ThyssenKrupp ensures that this framework agreement shall be translated in 8 most spoken languages"

Review and monitoring

"A so called International Committee shall be established with the purpose of additional control and for regular exchange on adherence to and implementation of this agreement.
The Member of the Executive Board of ThyssenKrupp AG responsible for human resources shall report on basis of suitable documents to the International Committee on the status of implementation and adherence to the framework agreement at least once a year.
The International Committee can propose appropriate measures to be taken to remedy such violations, if local or national mediation possibilities have been used without success. lt can also make proposals for preventive measures. The member of the Board of Management of ThyssenKrupp AG responsible for human resources consults with the International Committee the proposais with the objective to remedy the violations and prevent future violations.
The representatives of the International Committee shall furthermore be free to visit production sites of a company or companies of the Group in a region in a country of their choosing each year in consultation with the member of the Executive Board responsible for human resources. "

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"ln case of a conflict, the persons concerned can address the responsible person on the site (especially supervisor, responsible employees' representative, possibly compliance manager) . Information about possible violations of the provisions of this Framework Agreement can be reported parallel via email through internal company communication channels to a central email address
Persons who report violations must not be subject to any disadvantages. ln case of justified complaints responsible directors or management boards, if necessary involving the responsible person in regional headquarters, will take necessary steps to remedy. Here they as well as employees and employee representatives shall make full use of all possibilities to solve the conflict locally.
ln case of complaints or information of essential significance, which cannot be solved with local mediation possibilities, ThyssenKrupp AG will investigate this information with involvement of the board member for human resources in a dialogue with the International Committee."

Main topic

Fundamental social rights

Secondary topic(s)

core labour standards, working time, discrimination, reasonable wage, health and safety, vocational training
