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Joint declaration on work-life balance - Unicredit



Date of signature

28 November 2017


CEO, EWC members

Key objectives

"The current Joint Declaration intends to define guidelines and principles that will guide the Group towards a shared approach to improve work-life balance and its promotion in a perspective of a continuous innovation and development of the current practices"


not defined

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"The parties commit to ensuring the broader dissemination and implementation of the contents of this document in all countries of the Group, with the common purpose of using social dialogue to create a culture of work-life balance in the company, taking into account the peculiarities and the current local best practices as well as the already achieved standard. Therefore, in the best interest of the effectiveness, the full implementation and the continuous improvement of this document, the Joint Declaration will be submitted to the attention of the Group's management of all companies and countries where the Group is present, with a view to informing and raising awareness of its underling principles, stimulating discussions with social partners at national level, in line with the respective national legal and labour law conditions"

Review and monitoring

"It will be monitored jointly, at central level, by the EWC Select Committee and by the Central Management. During the EWC Select Committee meetings, possible issues will be addressed by the parties with the aim of assessing the current situation at global and country level and guaranteeing proper attention to the principles of this Declaration."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

not defined

Related texts

Main topic

work-life balance

Secondary topic(s)

equal opportunities, non-discrimination, quality of life, digitalization, space and time flexibility, time management, well-being, cultural change
