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European framework agreement for professional integration of young people 2017-2022-Safran



Date of signature

17 September 2017


HRD, IndustriAll Europe

Key objectives

"Faced with the situation of youth employment in Europe, their employability through training is a social and economie issue to which the Safran group pays particular attention.

Furthermore, the Group must anticipate changes in jobs and skills and renewal of its teams. Safran is committed to deploying considerable resources to acquire, maintain and pass on the skills needed to support its development and the renewal of its staff.

For young people who are welcomed into the Group, vocational training is the guarantee of obtaining a qualifying professional or certifying experience in order to facilitate their access to employment.

As a follow-up to the agreement reached in March 2013, the parties undertake to improve the existing arrangements. "


5 years

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""To enable this agreement to be implemented, action plans, developed between local Management teams and union organisations and/or employee representative bodies in compliance with applicable domestic laws, shall be implemented. Implementation of these plans will take place within 6 months of signature, where they do not exist. Local authorities shall, as far as possible, endeavour to implement the good practices identified in this Agreement. ""

Review and monitoring

"" Initially, the presentation of this agreement will be ensured, within 3 months of its signature, with the HRDs of the Group companies and then within the HR teams in each country of establishment, inviting, where possible, the staff representatives. At the end, the signatories of the agreement will meet for a first point of situation.
In a second time, to monitor progress and the implementation of the agreement, the parties agree to set up a committee to monitor this agreement.
This committee will be composed of representatives of Safran Management, together with a maximum of ten representatives nominated by Industri'ALL.
The monitoring committee shall meet once a year. The meeting shall have the following goals:
- a review of the indicators listed in Annex 3, quantitatively,
- a review of qualitative actions within the entities.""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the event of any disputes arising out of or in connection with the application and interpretation of this Group agreement, the parties will seek an amicable solution of these disagreements. IndustriAII and Management shall endeavour to find an amicable solution to any such disputes, within a reasonable amount of time and in a spirit of cooperation."

Related texts

European Agreement on the Integration of Young People (2013)

Main topic

youth employment

Secondary topic(s)

professional training of young people, apprenticeship, traineeship, Phd, tutoring schemes, relations with Schools and Universities, integration and fighting exclusion, welcoming and integrating young hires.
