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European convention on health and safety - Barilla



Date of signature

01 June 2017



Key objectives

"The Barilla Group undertakes to protect the physical and psychological wellbeing of all their employees, seeking to achieve a "zero accidents" objective in all activities and work.The Parties understand that the quality of health and safety in the workplace can influence and drive the Group's financial performance.
This convention was developed on a European level by Barilla Group management, EFFAT (representing its affiliated organisations), and the Barilla European Works Council (EWC). lts primary objective is to set out the guidelines for encouraging and promoting, in all Group companies and sites, ways to improve and extend preventive measures relating to aspects of health and safety.
This also includes:
- social dialogue and discussion with trade unions and other worker representation bodies;
- full involvement by all the different levels of information and consultation, including on a European level, through the EWC and EFFAT."


not defined

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"The Parties undertake to introduce suitable and effective measures to ensure each person within the Company, regardless of their role or type of relation with the Company itself (e.g. outsources, suppliers and contractors), can benefit from the best possible health and safety protection.

The Parties believe that providing training and information for employees plays an essential role in allowing them, when at work, to show maximum care and diligence to aspects related to their own health and safety and that of others.

The Parties undertake to develop a participatory system of constant and constructive dialogue between Barilla management, trade unions and other worker representation bodies, in order to implement, while bearing in mind the organisational nature of the Company's work, measures capable of improving the quality of the workplace and the psychological and physical conditions of work, intervening (in primis) to prevent and/or correct any factors or behaviours that could represent a risk, either physical (e.g. plants, ergonomics, layout), organisational (e.g. workflow, processes) or psychosocial (e.g. work related stress)."

Review and monitoring

"The EWC's role
The Parties believe that in order to follow up this convention, it is important to create a constructive environment for discussion and dialogue, establishing the different areas of competency and responsibility on a European and national level.
Within the context of European-level discussion, and with particular reference to the role of the EWC and EFFAT, we would like to establish the following.
Barilla Group top management, EFFAT and the members of the Barilla EWC, during the annual EWC sessions, undertake to:
- make employee health and safety a permanent addition to the agenda;
- organise courses and opportunities for training, information and raising awareness, including the involvement and support of experts and specialists in the subject;
- schedule opportunities for providing detailed information and discussion about the situation in the various countries and sites;
- management undertakes to provide up-to-date information and data on health and safety in the Group's various European sites;
- find a common approach between the Parties, by sharing the best solutions, experiences and practices matured in the various countries and sites, as well as in other corporate environments;
- identify the sites and operating situations for priority intervention in order to improve health and safety indicators;
- propose transversal prevention plans linked to quantitative and qualitative targets;
- introduce follow-up policies on a national and local level;
- monitor, analyse and discuss the various actions taken or planned in each country during the plenary session of the EWC."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

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Main topic

health and Safety at work

Secondary topic(s)

social dialogue, training, staff representation
