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European agreement on the anticipation and development of competencies and employment with respect to the Schneider Electric business strategy


Schneider Electric

Date of signature

18 May 2017


HRD, IndustriAll Europe

Key objectives

"This agreement between Schneider Electric and IndustriAll Europe establishes the minimum shared principles which may serve as a frame of reference for all of the European entities with the aim of encouraging forward planning in anticipation and development jobs and their possible impacts on the situation of the employees of the Group.
The purpose of this agreement is also to build an anticipatory and proactive employment policy to ensure the employability of the Group’s employees and serve its strategy, the objectives of which are as follows:
- to offer visibility on the European employment strategy to our social partners and employees;
- to maintain career development throughout the entire time spent by employees in the company to enable them to adapt to changes made in accordance with its strategy;
- to ensure that the key skills in our company are preserved and adapted to changes;
- to build the future through dynamic management of the age pyramid by integrating young people trained in our business activities."


Indefinite term

Applicable law

"In accordance with the law, this agreement shall be filed in two original copies, of which one shall be a hard copy signed by the parties and one an electronic copy, with DIRRECTE of the Hauts de Seine and with the registry of the labour tribunal (Conseil de Prud’hommes) in Nanterre"

Implementation and dissemination

"The actual implementation requires co-ordination between the Group level and the local entities. It is agreed that all of the provisions of this agreement shall be implemented progressively.
The employee representatives from the country concerned shall be informed and consulted where necessary by the national management of the measures taken for the implementation of this agreement in the country concerned regardless of the unit they work for. (...)
The parties shall promote social dialogue at the European and local levels. For Schneider Electric, the goal of social dialogue is to anticipate the future and preserve the Group's development in Europe by founding a permanent and trusting relationship between Management and employee representatives. For this reason, the signatory have decided that in each member country of the agreement which does not already have an employee representative body to set one up in line with national legislation. (...)European skills and employment Observatory
Schneider Electric will organise in a adequate manner and according to needs and context, a specific yearly meeting during the plenary session of the European Works Council specifically dedicated to the European skills and Employment Observatory, the goal of which will be to se out and share the strategic orientations of each business and the challenges involved in terms of employment, resources and skills within the company. In this context, the European skills and employment Observatory will enable more transparent communication on Human Resources policies serving strategic orientations."

Review and monitoring

"A monitoring commission shall be established, comprising an IndustriAll Europe delegation including the Core Council of the European Works Council. This commission will meet within a period of 6 months after the signature of the agreement and then once a year, in connection with a European Committee Bureau meeting, to review the implementation of the agreement within the group’s various entities.
In addition to the regular monitoring of the implementation of this agreement and upon the request of the signatory parties, an extraordinary meeting may be organised to address an exceptional situation.
It is agreed that when conducting such a review, a list will be made of the actions that could have been undertaken in respect of each of the commitment covered by this agreement on the basis of the indicators listed in Appendix 1, and that this will lead to discussion and the establishment of a “good practices” database which will be made available to all the Group’s entities.
On the basis of the above-mentioned review, recommendations may be made for improving the application of the agreement."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"The parties agree that any dispute in connection with the interpretation or implementation of this agreement shall be referred to the signatories.

IndustriAll Europe and the General Management shall seek an amicable solution for these disputes within a reasonable period of time and in a spirit of cooperation.

In the event of any disputes concerning the application and interpretation of this Group agreement and any other agreement entered into with the European Committee, the parties hereby agree to seek to resolve their differences together. Accordingly, IndustriAll Europe and management shall endeavour to resolve such disputes on an amicable basis by organising a specific meeting, within a reasonable time period and in the spirit of cooperation with the involvement of the zone representative concerned."

Related texts

European Agreement on employee information, consultation and participation at Schneider Electric in Europe, 10 June 2014

Main topic

anticipation of changes and their impact on employment

Secondary topic(s)

recruitment, training, apprenticeship, skills development, age pyramid, staff representation, European Works Council, social dialogue, professional development interview, reclassification, restructuring
