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Global framework agreement -Asos



Date of signature

02 October 2017


CEO, IndustriALL Global Union

Key objectives

"The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a mutual relationship, which can facilitate freedom of association and collective bargaining as the preferred sustainable mechanism for implementing fundamental employment rights, and resolving labour disputes in Supplier factories in the ASOS supply chain."


2 years

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"4.3 ln conjunction with lndustriALL ASOS commits to:
4.3.1 Developing mechanisms involving lndustriALL Global Union affiliates and ASOS staff at country level to drive implementation of the agreement;
4.3.2 Developing a strategy to develop an enabling environment for freedom of association and collective bargaining;
4.3.3 Designing and 1mplementmg a worker hotline to ensure workers' access to remedy;
4.3.4 implementing a training programme for workers and factory managers, as well as Suppliers to create an enabling environment for freedom of association and build sustainable internal dialogue in factories;
4.3.5 Jointly develop a methodology to penod1cally assess the impact of Purchase practices at the worker level of the supply chain;
4.3.6 ASOS shall act as enabler of freedom of association through the requirement of its Suppliers to adopt a positive, open and collaborative approach towards the activities of trade unions;
4.3.7 To facilitate the implementation of this Agreement ASOS shall disclose on a twice yearly basis the locations of its Suppliers to lndustriALL Global Union and any subsidiary brands which ASOS owns; (...)
4.6 Where no apparent mechanism for social dialogue is in place within parts of the supply chain, ASOS shall undertake to appraise the management and the employees against the terms of this Agreement. This could take the form of joint briefings and/or training (the providers and contents of which shall be determined by the Parties to this Agreement). (...)
4.7 ASOS shall use its best efforts to grant lndustriALL Global Union and the local, national and regional trade unions affiliated thereto, physical access to Suppliers and factories within the ASOS supply chain. "

Review and monitoring

"The Parties to this Agreement shall establish and maintain procedures to communicate data and other information regularly regarding performance against the requirements of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the results of management reviews and monitoring activities.
A joint group shall meet twice a year to review the implementation of this Agreement and any related issues. The members of this joint group shall consist of representatives of ASOS, lndustriALL Global Union including the Director of Textile, Garment, Leather and Shoe sector and as and when necessary, representatives from the relevant regions of lndustriALL Global Union."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"Questions concerning the interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved through consultation between the signatories. Every effort will be made to find common agreement but where this is not possible the Parties to this Agreement shall in appropriate instances seek the expert advice of the ILO. The Parties shall mutually agree to abide by the final recommendations of the ILO."

Main topic

fundamental labour rights in the supply chain

Secondary topic(s)

freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
