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Essential and fundamental actions : occupational health and safety - Vinci



Date of signature

01 June 2017


CEO, EWC secretary

Key objectives

"The commitment to the zero accidents objective is central to VINCI Manifesto. This declaration, which has been prepared with the Group’s European Works Council, demonstrates our shared determination to achieve that objective.

Its purpose is to provide a reference framework for the essential and fundamental actions to implement, follow-up actions and analyses that must take place within Group companies as regards health and safety and the prevention of occupational risks.

It affirms our shared conviction that progress can only be made with all employees and their representatives involved, through the promotion of our safety culture."


indefinite term

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"In accordance with the Group’s decentralised administrative model and in order to adapt the steps taken as closely as possible to local situations, the Health and Safety commitments shall be determined and implemented within each business unit to promote continuous improvement.

Managers will be responsible for the practical implementation of initiatives to promote health and safety by employees in their area."

Review and monitoring

"In accordance with the current VINCI European Works Council agreement, quarterly information will be sent to the Council’s office regarding accidents and incidents at work, road accidents and occupational illnesses.
To achieve real and sustainable improvements, the results of the actions taken must be measured using relevant indicators. These indicators will be presented and discussed so that the necessary actions to improve the results can be taken.
Every accidents and incidents must be the subject of a methodical and thorough investigation within the company, which will be shared with staff representatives. The identification of unsafe situations and near-miss accidents must be encouraged so as to reduce the number of accidents and incidents and in particular to build an everyday safety culture."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

not defined

Related texts

Framework agreement between QDVC - Vinci - BWI

Main topic

heath and safety at work

Secondary topic(s)

cooperation with staff representatives, prevention, personal protective equipment, safety awareness and training
