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Agreement on social and enviromnental responsibility - Auchan Retail


Auchan Retail

Date of signature

17 March 2017


CEO, HR Head, Uni Global,Uni Commerce

Key objectives

"Via this agreement Auchan Retail International and Uni Global, representing its employees internationally, are establishing a forum for information and dialogue and confirming the importance of best business, environmental, and social practices globally, wherever the company has a presence." (informal translation)


4 years

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Auchan commits to informing the Auchan Retail heads across all the various countries as well as both the employee representatives and the employees, of the commitments it intends to undertake. Auchan will use all necessary means to make all the Auchan managers and heads aware of the content and purpose of this agreement.” (unofficial translation)

Review and monitoring

"Auchan Retail International and UNI Global Union ensure the on-going monitoring and appropriate application of the agreement. Representatives from both parties will meet annually to evaluate the agreement’s implementation and manage any problems relating to the same." (unofficial translation)

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"Auchan Retail International and UNI Global Union agree to be available on an on-going basis to keep each party informed of any problems that might arise and to bring about the best resolution. All disputes stemming from or related to the validity, interpretation, or execution of this agreement will be amicably settled between the Parties. If the Parties cannot come to agreement then one or other will submit the dispute to an agreed independent third party for a final decision. Both Parties agree to share the arbitration costs equally. " (unofficial translation)

Related texts

Main topic

fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

forced labour, discrimination, freedom of association, collective bargaining, workplace health and safety, employment policy, respect for the environment
