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The Clariane European Charter of Fundamental Principles of Social Dialogue



Date of signature

25 October 2023


CEO, EPSU, EWC (ES-WC) secretary on behalf of a special negotiation group (which emanated from the EWC).

Key objectives

“Clariane considers that social dialogue is a major lever for implementing its mission in all its activities. The same applies to the well-being of its teams and the satisfaction of its stakeholders. Clariane believes that the Group's values of Trust, Initiative and Responsibility must be embodied in social dialogue. As it becomes a purpose-driven company, Clariane is even more committed to inclusive governance. lt believes that employees, their representatives and managers must be closely involved in decisions that concern them.

This is why Clariane's central Management and employee representatives meeting within the ES-WC, which includes EPSU, were determined to define the fundamental principles of social dialogue that are applicable to all of the Group's entities. They share an objective: develop social dialogue at all levels of the organisation, and above all, within each facility in each country in which the Croup operates.”


4 years

Implementation and dissemination

“The Group's central Management, in collaboration with country management, shall ensure that the Charter will be distributed to employees through the various existing communication channels (formal presentation at meetings, ES-WC Newsletter or other Newsletters, posters, ES-WC SharePoint platform, etc.).

lt is agreed that an effective implementation of the principles specified in this Charter requires dedicated action in each country.

Each signatory party is responsible for disseminating the Charter within its trade union or organisation.

Each signatory party is responsible for disseminating the Charter within its own organisation. For its part, EPSU will inform the trade union organisations affiliated to it and present in the Clariane group of the Charter and its content, and will make them aware of the need for the trade union organisations to respect its provisions.

To this end, within six months of signing this Charter, each country will specify with employee representatives the practical arrangements for its implementation in their country.”

Review and monitoring

“Shared monitoring indicators for this Charter have been defined between central Management and the ES-WC, in order to ensure its implementation. These indicators shall be supplemented by country-specific indicators, which shall be determined during the discussions specified in Article 5.1.

This shall be monitored annually by the ES-WC at one of its meetings.

EPSU shall play a coordinating role in gathering feedback on the implementation of the Charter and facilitating its deployment.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“ln the event of non-compliance with any of the principles of the Charter, an amicable resolution of the dispute must be sought within the entity concerned within 30 days of receipt of the notification of non-compliance with one of the principles set out in the Charter.

If this procedure is unsuccessful or unsatisfactory at the end of the 30-day period referred to above, the claimant shall refer the matter to the next level of resolution. If this procedure is unsuccessful at the end of a further period of 30 days following referral to the higher level of resolution, the parties agree to follow the following procedure:

  1. a) Complaint lodged by the claimant to a representative trade union organisation in a country where Clariane Group operates or to a member of the ES-WC:

The claimant refers the matter to the Secretary of the National Works Council or to a representative trade union official or, failing that, to an elected employee representative. If the matter is not resolved, the claimant refers the matter to the Secretary of the ES-WC, who refers the matter to the Clariane Group Human Resources Department, who will endeavour to find a solution with the trade union concerned.

  1. b) Complaint from the Management of a Clariane Group entity:

The claimant shall refer the matter to the country Management, then in the event of non-resolution, to the Hu man Resources Department of the Clariane Group, which shall refer the matter to the Secretary of the ES-WC and EPSU.

The claimant and the parties involved will work together to find a solution through dialogue. Lf these efforts fail to resolve the situation, the claimant and the parties involved may initiate a mediation procedure.”

Related texts

Joint Declaration on social engagement and absenteeism reduction ( 2022 )
European protocol on health, safety, accident prevention (2021)


Social dialogue, employee représentatives’ rights, managers roles and responsibilities
