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Framework Regulation with the European Works Council (EWC) on the Realignment of the Sales Organization in the European Union – Daimler Chrysler



Date of signature

31 July 2007


DaimlerChrysler AG, European Works Council, European Metalworkers Federation

Key objectives

“The Chrysler separation leads to organisational changes, which will also impact the European sales organisations of the current MPCs. To ensure a successful start of the ""National Sales Companies"" of Chrysler (NSCs) in the various countries, the knowledge, commitment and experience of employees in Chrysler sales functions are of material importance. Consequently, the overriding objective is to convince as many of the affected employees to move to the NSCs, to retain them there and to motivate them.""



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The implementation of this provision shall take place under the responsibility of the respective MPCs. DaimlerChrysler AG shall ensure that the agreed provisions is implemented by the Group companies in accordance with the legal framework conditions in the respective country.""

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

EU Directive 2001/23 March 12, 2001 (annex 1 of the text)
Framework agreement regarding measures to adjust staff level in the DaimlerChrysler group

Main topic


Secondary topic(s)

employee representations and information rights, continuation of employment relationships, exclusion of lay-offs for operating reasons, bonus.

DaimlerChrysler_FrameworkSalesOrganization_EN (1).pdf