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International Framework Agreement on PSA Peugeot Citroën’s Social Responsibility


PSA Peugeot Citroën

Date of signature

07 March 2017


CEO, HRD, IndustriALL Global Union, IndustriALL European Trade Union

Key objectives

"Through this agreement, the PSA Group wants to reformulate its commitments to sound human rights, responsible development and environmental protection, and to drive a new dynamic at the global level to reinforce the common principles and objectives by bringing together trade unions, as well as IndustriALL Global Union and IndustriALL European Trade Union.
This agreement makes it possible to achieve the goals. It provides a reference framework for each manager and for the signatory trade unions. "


Indefinite term

Applicable law

"This agreement is subject to French law"

Implementation and dissemination

"The signatory parties undertake, through social dialogue, to define the actions for the chapters relating to the Group's social, environmental and human resources policy, which are implemented in order to implement this framework agreement. The parties undertake to implement this global agreement by ensuring its effective implementation at the local level, in accordance with national rules, and the provisions of this Agreement are not intended to replace local laws, regulations and conventions. Nevertheless, when it is a matter of fundamental standards of labour and jurisprudence of the ILO, they must supplant national legislation when the latter is less favourable than the respective conventions of the ILO."

Review and monitoring

"The monitoring of this global framework agreement takes place at a double level. In each country an annual monitoring of the application of the global framework agreement is made between the management of the company and the trade unions or staff representatives. This monitoring of implementation will be integrated into the usual functioning of the local social dialogue A document is drawn up jointly by the signatory parties to this agreement which allows each trade union organization to give its opinion in the framework of annual monitoring of the application of this agreement at their subsidiary. At the Group level, the agreement will be monitored by the World Committee in the presence of the representatives of IndustriALL Global Union and IndustriALL European Trade Union signatories to this agreement. The follow-up of this agreement will be carried out annually on the basis of a consolidation and summary document including the inventory of fixtures, key indicators and the main contractual provisions adopted locally resulting from each of the commitments in this Agreement."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the event of a dispute as to the interpretation or application of this Agreement, the signatory parties undertake to inform each other as soon as possible in order to cooperate with the seeking an amicable resolution within a reasonable time. They agree that:
Any employee has the right to alert the management of the site and the union representatives about possible breaches or non-compliance with the agreement. In any case this approach can't be detrimental to the employee;
As far as possible, the difficulties will be dealt with locally, as close as possible to the field, by the local management. The employee who reports a breach of the agreement may be assisted by a representative of the local trade union organization. The signatory parties will be kept informed of the progress of the discussions and their outcome by the local management and union representative;
If no satisfactory solution is found, the subject will be dealt with directly by the signatory parties to the agreement in liaison with Direction and the local trade union organizations;
In the absence of a resolution, the parties will be able to appeal to the competent court within the jurisdiction of PSA's registered office, notwithstanding the place of execution of the agreement and / or the intervention of a third party;
All the problems encountered and solutions will be presented at the annual meeting of the World Committee. "

Related texts

Global Framework Agreement on Social Responsibility (2006, 2010)

Main topic

fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

human rights, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, forced labour, child labour, non discrimination and diversity, health and safety, attractive working conditions, fight against corruption, prevention of conflicts of interest, territorial impact, skills development, training, employability, fundamental rights, subcontracting, environment, skills development, training, employability, well-being at work, social dialogue, wage policy, , balanced life / professional life, digital transformation, global works council, value chain (suppliers and subcontractors).
