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European Labour Relations agreement - Engie



Date of signature

08 April 2016


Chairman, EPSU, EFBWW, IndustriALL Europe

Key objectives

"At a time of profound change to our energy and services sectors, ensuring the employability of all staff, providing stability, and even improving social welfare conditions, should be key objectives in all ENGIE entities and for all stakeholders: employees, managers and staff representatives. The Group's development relies on its ability to continually conduct its business in the pursuit of professional excellence, to innovate and to adapt to the needs and expectations of its customers.Planning ahead and developing the skills of all employees are at the heart of ENGIE's human resources policy. Training and mobility are important catalysts for the employability of all. This conviction must be shared by each of the company's stakeholders so that everyone can contribute to the Group's cultural transformation, in line with its social and societal commitments."


indefinite term

Applicable law

"This agreement will be filed with the Direction Regional des Enterprises, de la Concurrence, de la Consommation, du Travail et de l’Emploi (the French regional directorate for companies, competition, consumption, work and employment or the DIRECCTE), within whose jurisdiction ENGIE SA's headquarters are located.
In addition, a copy shall be filed at the registry of the French industrial tribunal (Conseil de Prud’hommes), within whose jurisdiction ENGIE SA's headquarters are located".

Implementation and dissemination

"As soon as the agreement is signed, a joint memo will be drawn-up by ENGIE management and the European Trade Union Federations and sent to all employees.
ENGIE management will ensure that this agreement is communicated to all stakeholders of the Group:
- its leaders and managers, to ensure that they take up the managerial challenges of employability and training. Managers will also present the agreement to their teams and the social bodies they facilitate,
- all of its employees, each taking an active role in their employability and career plans.
Communication will be provided in all languages required,
- its human resources divisions, which will provide advice and support to managers in the exercise of their supervisory roles,
- its employee representatives as stakeholders in social dialogue.
The parties agree that the signatories of the agreement and affiliated trade unions will lead the deployment of the agreement. Between now and the final signing of this agreement, the parties will meet to determine a way for the European trade union federations and ENGIE General Management to simultaneously communicate the ambition and content of the agreement.
Local union organisations will provide information to their members and staff in the usual manner, including through briefings and access to the Group's premises. The companies’ management teams should support the communication campaigns of trade unions.
Each BU management team is committed to ensuring that this agreement is deployed across its scope, as appropriate to their circumstances. If a local agreement is signed to complement the previsions of this agreement, the management of the BU will send the local agreement for information to the signatories of this agreement. The Group's HRD will ensure this effective deployment within the framework of constructive social dialogue in all BUs and companies.
As such, communication materials will be made available to management and employee representatives in order to support them in the deployment of the agreement. Training will also be carried out for managers, HR representatives and employee representatives, particularly on themes relating to GPEC and the career development meeting. These training resources can also be used by employee representatives.
In addition, to promote the implementation of the agreement, a European launch seminar will be organised as soon as possible after its signing, in coordination with the European trade union federations. This seminar will bring together social partners, management and representatives of the human resources divisions."

Review and monitoring

"The monitoring of this agreement is carried out by a monitoring committee made up of 17 members (excluding management representatives), including the European trade union federations that have signed the agreement, and the Secretary of the EWC. As far as possible, this monitoring committee shall be made up of a balanced number of men and women. Members are appointed by the European trade union federations that have signed this agreement following proposals made by the different countries' trade unions.
The monitoring committee will meet once a year. In 2016, a first meeting will be held within three months of the agreement being signed to discuss monitoring arrangements, and indicators in particular. To support the continued deployment of the agreement, a second meeting will be held in the final quarter of 2016, and two meetings in 2017. At the second meeting in 2017, a review of the Committee's activities will be carried out in order to adapt the monitoring indicators accordingly. From 2018, the Committee will meet on an annual basis."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the event of a grievance (non-compliance with the agreement and its application) and if the local discussion process has failed to reach a solution, the matter may be submitted to the European Federations or to Group Management accompanied by all the necessary documents concerning the grievance. It is up to the signatories of the agreement to arrange dialogue between local management and employee representatives."

Related texts

European group agreement relating to the employment and expertise plan (GDF Suez 2010)
Group agreement on fundamental principles regarding health and safety ((GDF Suez 2010)
Global Agreement on Fundamental Rights, Social Dialogue and Sustainable Development ((GDF Suez 2010)
Global agreement on Health & Safety of the GDF SUEZ Group ((GDF Suez 2014)
GDF SUEZ European agreement on improving quality of life at work (2014)
European agreement on professional equality between women and men (2012, renewed in 2017)

Main topic

employment and skills management

Secondary topic(s)

training, mobility, social dialogue, collective social guarantees, employability
