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Global framework agreement - Crédit Agricole


Crédit Agricole

Date of signature

9 October 2023 (renewal of the 31 July 2019 agreement)


CHRO, Uni Global Union

Key objectives

"With this agreement, which is fully in line with UNI's “Rising Together” strategic plan, the parties intend to lay the foundations of a social pact, applicable to any Crédit Agricole S.A. Group entity, whatever its activity or geographical location, in accordance with its culture of unity and decentralisation and the principle of subsidiarity.

The provisions of this agreement are designed to ensure a balance between the strategic interests of the entities, respect for the fundamental rights of the Group’s employees, the practice of social dialogue and the quality of life at work. "


This agreement shall apply from 1st August 2023 to 31st December 2027. It may be renewed by tacit agreement for a period of four years, unless one of the signatory parties objects.

Applicable law

"This agreement is subject to the French law of obligations."

Implementation and dissemination

"11.4. Application of the agreement

The parties shall communicate this agreement to all of their respective organisations and structures. They undertake to apply it in good faith.

In any event, it is not possible to derogate from the provisions of this agreement in a less favourable way.

It is not possible to combine the benefit of legal or conventional existing or future measures with the provisions of this agreement having the same purpose. In the event of a combination of measures, the most favourable measure will be applied."

"11.5. Translation of the agreement and publication

This agreement will be communicated to all national and local managers of Crédit Agricole S.A. Group entities. They are responsible for distributing it to their social partners and to the trade union organizations represented within their entities. It will be published on the Crédit Agricole S.A. Group's website in French and in the languages of the translation then published in the various countries in accordance with current practices."

Review and monitoring

The parties agree to the creation of a commission responsible for monitoring the application of this agreement.
This commission is composed of 2 delegations:

• a UNI delegation composed of 7 UNI representatives,
• an employer delegation consisting of an equal number of representatives of the Crédit Agricole S.A. Group.

The commission shall meet once a year.

The commission will be able to rely on the information received from the various countries regarding the quality of social dialogue, as well as on the monitoring indicators established within the social component of Crédit Agricole S.A’s annual CSR reporting campaigns (some of which are published in the Registration Document).
Between these different meetings and in order to maintain the partnership relationship established by this agreement, the parties agree to remain in regular contact in order in particular to deal with any difficulty that may arise from its application.

In addition to this annual meeting, the commission may meet on an exceptional basis if circumstances so warrant, in order, in particular, to determine, under the conditions as defined below, any difficulty in the application of this agreement which could not have been resolved both locally and in the context of the relations referred to above."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the event of difficulties noted in the implementation of the rights or standards arising from this agreement, the parties agree that finding a local solution is to be preferred. They will endeavour to resolve any dispute concerning the application of the agreement. Towards this end, they agree the following provisions:

  • In case of disagreement, a joint presentation of the agreement will be made with the local partners within a period of 2 months.
  • Claim from UNI or from trade union organisations affiliated with it

The claim must first be filed with the Management of the entity concerned by the local trade union organisation affiliated with UNI.
If the claim is not resolved with the Management of the entity concerned, UNI may refer the matter to the department responsible for labour relations within the HRD of the Crédit Agricole S.A. Group.
The latter will then carry out an open and transparent investigation within a maximum of 3 months.
If any breaches of the obligations arising from this agreement are proven, the Crédit Agricole S.A. Group shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to remedy the breach as promptly as possible.

  • Claim from the Management of a Crédit Agricole S.A. Group entity or the Crédit Agricole S.A. Group

The claim must first be filed with the UNI-affiliated local trade union.
If the claim is not resolved, the Management of the local entity will refer the matter to the department in charge of social relations within the HRD Crédit Agricole S.A. Group which will contact UNI Global Union.
UNI Global Union will then conduct an open and transparent survey within a maximum of 3 months.
If any breaches of the obligations arising from this agreement are proven, UNI shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to remedy the breach as promptly as possible.

  • Referral to the monitoring commission

If, after the previous stages, one of the parties to the agreement were to consider that its claim had not received a satisfactory response, it may bring the matter before the monitoring commission either at its ordinary meeting or at an extraordinary meeting.
In the event of a request for an extraordinary meeting, the monitoring commission will meet within 1 months from the month of its referral.

  • Mediation

In the event that, despite having held a meeting of the monitoring commission, the parties have not managed to resolve a dispute, they may submit it by mutual agreement to a mediation procedure.
The independent mediator8 will be jointly chosen by the parties within 1 month. Any refusal of mediation by either party must be duly well-founded and well-argued.

  • Exclusion

The dispute resolution procedure described above applies only when the dispute relates to a standard or law established by this agreement.
This procedure may not under any circumstances be used to deal with other individual or collective difficulties. These are subject to local dispute resolution procedures."

Related texts

2019 Global  agreeement

Topics addressed

human rights at work, trade unions rights, social dialogue, equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion, professional development and promotion, training, health and quality of life at work (remote working, psychological and sexual harassment, social protection floor, parental policy, digitalisation, human rights due diligence
