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Agreement for the application of the fundamental labour rights to the supply chain - Mango



Date of signature

23 July 2018


COO of the company, CCOO Industria

Key objectives

The common objective is to contributei to the full application of the fundamental world labor standards throughout their supply chain, have reached the following agreement.


This Agreement will be understood to be automatically extended for successive periods of one year and without limit, unless one of the parties expresses at least 3 months in advance its willingness to review or cancel it.""

Applicable law

Implementation and dissemination

"MANGO - PUNTO FA, SL, will provide annually to the General Coordinator, designated for this activity by CCOO Industria, the list of all the work centers that make up its production chain in each country, noting for each one of them: supplier's name and country, name and address, number of workers, nature and volume of production carried out in the last year for its various brands, date of the last audit and qualification obtained therein, and if the existence union in the workplace.

Local trade union organizations that coordinate their trade union action with CCOO lndustria, will be able to access the work centers in their area of ​​the supply chain, without impeding the normal development of the production process, except when a more flexible procedure has been agreed upon, such as result of the direct relationship between the local union organizations and the corresponding delegation of the company. " (no official translation)

Review and monitoring

"The signatory parties will plan in advance and by mutual agreement, the activities, trips, countries that they consider to be of interest, as well as the training plans aimed at making this Agreement known and applying the rules set forth therein, their relationship with organizational matters. of work, as well as the criteria for its application and the experiences of the same, promoting social dialogue at all levels. This training will be aimed at both representatives of the workers and managers of the companies that make up the production chain." (non official translation)

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"When a conflict occurs in labor relations that is considered to be within the scope of application of these rules, the Department of Social Responsibility will be notified and the Union Coordinator of CCOO lndustria. In the case of a conflict of interest, direct negotiation between the union organization and the factory shall be left to direct negotiation, guaranteeing in any case the signatory parties to this Agreement that in such negotiation the basic labor rights set out are respected, and may in any case, they act in terms of mediation."

"Questions about the interpretation of the Agreement will be resolved through consultation between the parties. Every effort will be made to reach an agreement, but when this is not possible, the expert advice of the ILO will be sought, within the framework of the dialogue between the company and the union established in the ILO Declaration on MNEs, for mediation. and dispute settlement or arbitration. The parties will assume the final recommendations of the ILO or the person indicated by this body. " (no official translation)

Related texts

Main topic

union organisation of workers of the supply chain

Secondary topic(s)
