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Letter of committment In support of business and skills development particularly in connection with the Veolia Group’s strategic guidelines



Date of signature



Key objectives

"10 (ten) commitments in order to anticipate, particularly in terms of changes to roles and/ororganizational changes, support for employees in developing their skills, career paths and mobility.
The signatories hereby state their wish to implement, as part of an open social dialog, anticipatory
actions to promote:
● Information and exchange through social dialog on company strategy
● The development and employability of employees
● Anticipation of changes in organization or skills
● The safeguarding or development of competitiveness
The aim of this anticipation is to adapt skills to economic and organizational changes, thus preserving employment as much as possible in the areas where we operate."


not defined

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"The commitments made should be discussed and shared within the country-specific labor relations spaces, following discussions on the strategic guidelines and their economic and social impacts.
Within the framework of country-specific labor relations spaces, the country-specific HR departments and the members of the dialog spaces will be asked to prioritize two (2) commitments in addition to those defined within the European Works Council.
These priorities should be re-discussed every year in relation to the strategic guidelines and their economic and social consequences.""

Review and monitoring

"A European Works Council monitoring committee has been established. It is made up of representatives of the Group’s Human Resources department, and 4 members of the board and 3 members of the EWC. It is responsible for ensuring this letter of commitment is implemented and for its follow-up. This committee will meet once a year to review the situation. This review will then be presented at the plenary meeting of the European Works Council."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

not defined

Main topic

anticipation of change, development of employees employabilit

Secondary topic(s)
