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Global framework agreement on the EDF Group's corporate social responsibililty



Date of signature

29 May 2018


CEO, IndustriALL Global, PSI and 13 national unions

Key objectives

"This Agreement is a new milestone in the collective labour and social commitment built in a spirit of trust and transparency on the experience in social responsibility jointly gained over these past 13 years. This Agreement embodies the fundamental principles of a common base of social responsibility for all Group companies, driven by the Group's corporate values of respect, solidarity, responsibility."


4 years

Applicable law

"This agreement will undergo notification, filing and publicising formalities in accordance with the French Labour Code on the Management’s initiative."

Implementation and dissemination

"- Promoting local implementation
The EDF Group will do all in its power, in cooperation with the trade unions, to ensure the implementation of this agreement with all employees, at least at the signature, midway, and at the evaluation.
Within three months of the signing of this agreement, and to promote its implementation, the EDF Group will:
- Ensure that this agreement is translated into the languages of the countries where it operates.
- Ensure that a copy of the agreement is made available to every employee.
- Draft and circulate materials presenting the agreement’s provisions for HR directors, managers and employees, by any appropriate means.
- Incorporate this agreement’s commitments relating to suppliers and subcontractors in the Sustainable Development Charter between EDF and its suppliers, so that they become aware of them.
- Make this Agreement available on the Group’s internet and intranet websites.
IndustriALL Global Union and PSI will publish the Agreement on their respective websites and disseminate it to their affiliates.

Monitoring local implementation
Locally, dialogue between the management and staff representatives will be implemented to enable discussion on the initiatives to be taken, action plans, and the terms and conditions of implementation of this agreement, as part of a continuous improvement approach. These must take the local economic, cultural, professional and regulatory characteristics into account. This local dialogue will take place at least once a year between management and trade union/employee representatives."

Review and monitoring

"The implementation of the agreement will be monitored by a global committee (the Dialogue Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility) led by representatives of the Group’s management and composed of workers representatives and global union federations, according to the terms and conditions laid down in Appendix, and chaired by the Chairman of EDF SA. The global committee is supported by steering committee.
The global committee meets to carry out an assessment of the agreement implementation, take the appropriate measures, if necessary, check compliance, and discuss future cooperation as part of global corporate dialogue. The parties communicate with one another continuously between meetings to pursue implementation, promote the agreement and identify mutually acceptable solutions to any issue that may arise.
The purpose of monitoring is to:
- Check the conditions of implementation of the agreement,
- Analyse the Group review in terms of application, particularly regarding the results of the monitoring indicators, including actions linked to the vigilance plan,
- Identify deviations where they are found and areas for improvement, and establish one or several action plans in order to progress continuously,
- Jointly produce an annual review of the agreement’s application and the evaluation of the results,
- Identify good practices and suggest measures to promote them."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the event of disputes regarding the interpretation of, or non-compliance with, the agreement, the signatories undertake to mutually notify each another as soon as possible so that they can work together to find an effective and constructive solution that is in the interests of all the parties, through dialogue and within a reasonable time. These discussions must be held before any of the parties discloses information about the dispute.
They agree that:
If an employee or another relevant person claims that this agreement has not been complied with, the following procedure applies:
- For local issues, every effort will be made to try to resolve them locally. If they so wish, an employee may seek assistance from a representative of a local union organisation. The Group undertakes to ensure a proper evaluation of the case in cooperation with local unions/workers’ representatives. The signatories shall be kept informed.
- If the issue is not settled locally, it will be referred to Management and the social partners concerned at national level, then at the headquarter level of the Group's parent company.
- If the issue is not resolved nationally, the dispute will be escalated to the global monitoring committee, after a period of at least four weeks from the referral to Head Office level. A maximum 3-month period from the occurrence of a dispute will be allowed to resolve it.
- Failing a resolution, the signatories will have the option to jointly appoint a mediator to facilitate the settlement of the case.
- As a last resort, they will have the possibility to bring the case to the competent tribunal in the location of the EDF Group headquarters.""

Related texts

CSR agreement signed in 2005 and renewed in 2009

Main topic

fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

decent work, harassment and violence at work, health and safety, professional equality, discrimination, career development, social protection floor, social dialogue, just transition
