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Global Framework Agreement on Digital Transformation - Solvay



Date of signature

17 March 2020


CEO, Global forum coordinator

Key objectives

"The aim of this document is to provide a framework for management and employee representatives to engage with these issues locally to achieve detailed joint action plans. lt defines the principles that Solvay should follow in order to make a successful implementation of digital projects. "


Unlimited duration

Applicable law

This agreement is governed by Belgian legislation.

Implementation and dissemination

""Solvay will inform all its employees about this agreement and put it on its intranet and web site. Information sessions will be organized locally with the involvement of employeerepresentatives to raise awareness and promote understanding on the issues covered by this agreement. ""

Review and monitoring

Solvay, lndustriALL Global Union, SGF and EWC will continuously monitor the correct application of this agreement. Solvay will provide the SGF and EWC with annual report and analysis of the installation projects. (...) The panel of the global framework agreement with lndustriAII Global Union will observe the right implementation of this agreement during their annual joint mission on sites. ""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

""They believe that problems are best resolved as close as possible to the location where they have arisen. Nonetheless, the signatories agree that in the event of difficulties which cannot be resolved or failure to apply the terms of this agreement, a process of conflict resolution as below will be followed:
• If no satisfactory solution is found, the matter shall be dealt directly by the national management and related trade unions, in liaison with the signatories of this agreement.
• Failing that, the signatories shall have the possibility to bring the case to Solvay headquarters, notwithstanding the place where the agreement isexecuted, or/and call for the intervention of a third party.
• ln the absence of an agreement between the signatories, competent jurisdiction may intervene.

Related texts

Group’s practices for Subcontracting (1999)
Charter on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (1999)
Guidelines on Social Policy in Joint Ventures (2003),
Group' practices on health and safety of the personnel (2002)
Global Agreements on the Solvay Global Performance Sharing Plan (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), Global framework agreement on corporate social responsibility between Solvay and IndustriALL Global Union ( 2013)
Global agreement on minimum level of protection for Solvay Group employees in terms of welfare and healthcare (2020), Charter on the recognition of trade union and employee representative experience (2018)

Main topic

anticipation of change (digital transformation)

Secondary topic(s)

social dialogue, training, individual freedom, security, OSH, conciliation
