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Global agreement on planning the return to work in the Covid-19 crisis - Telefonica



Date of signature

12 May 2020


People Director, UNI Global Union General Secretary, General secretary of the 2 main trade union federation of the sector

Key objectives

""The Telefónica Group’s main objective during a staged return to work shall be to continue to protect the health of workers while guaranteeing the continuity of business.In view of the above, Telefónica, UNI, UGT and CCOO agree to sign this Agreement on the Plan for Employees’ Return to Work, following the lockdown caused by the Covid-19 crisis. ""


Not defined

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""In this context, the parties share the principle that effective collaboration between the company and the worker representatives is necessary. It is essential that in each country theparties establish the appropriate local systems through existing health and safety committee, temporary Covid-19 special commissions, or other dialogue instruments to ensure
compliance with the agreements and to address any specific instances that arise until such time as the pandemic is under control.""

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

return to work after the Covid-19 crisis

Secondary topic(s)

OSH, remote working
