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Danone/IUF Agreement on Sustainable Employment and Access to Rights



Date of signature

15 March 2016



Key objectives

"Danone and the IUF commit to the promotion of permanent, direct employment as an essential foundation for a sustainable business anchored in respect for human rights with an engaged, qualified workforce and a healthy labour relations environment."


not defined

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Local management and trade unions shall jointly identify the circumstances under which fixed-term employment and/or the outsourcing of services may be introduced by mutual agreement. This includes agreeing that necessary mechanisms are in place to ensure that any and all service providers understand and will adhere to the human rights and fundamental social principles that are established international standards.
Plans to limit or, where mutually agreed, reduce precarious forms of employment shall be implemented in a way that guarantees both stability of employment and the sustainability of Danone's business.
Significant changes in structural forms of employment shall be subject to negotiations within the collective bargaining process with the trade union in the workplace concerned with reference to the rights and principles set out in this agreement.
Local management and trade unions shall regularly review the use of fixed-term and outsources employment in the workplace and the terms of employment, with a view to limiting the recourse to such employment."

Review and monitoring

"The IUF and Danone agree to permanently review progress in the implementation of this agreement. Danone Human Resources shall provide the information necessary for this review process."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

not defined

Related texts

Danone / IUF Agreement on health, safety, working conditions and stress (2011)
8 Convention signed between Danone and IUF

Main topic

sustainable employment

Secondary topic(s)
