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IUF- IndustriALL-Unilever Joint Commitment to preventing sexual harassment 



Date of signature

26 January 2016


CEO, IUF, IndustriALL Global Union

Key objectives

"Unilever, the IUF and IndustriAll wish to ensure that all employees, including employees provided by third party labour suppliers, are aware of what constitutes sexual harassment and that they understand fully what is expected of them, know how to raise a potential issue, and feel confident to report any alleged abuses."


not defined

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"To ensure effective action to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace based on the above principles, local management and trade unions shall:
- Where a document with comparable standards and procedures does not already exist, agree and document a clear and precise local policy on sexual harassment, complaints procedures and mechanisms for dispute resolution/grievance handling based on international standards and national legal and collective bargaining law and practice. The procedure shall ensure that
A) sexual harassment cases are handled by persons of confidence with specific training in this area
B) all complaints concerning sexual harassment are to be investigated securely, expeditiously and confidentially
C) investigation of complaints is to be carried out by independent persons/structures as defined by the Code of Business principles procedure and/ or other mutually agreed arrangements
D) complainants in all cases must be informed of their legal rights
E) the outcome of the complaint investigation is formally recorded and communicated to and reviewed by the complainant
F) sanctions on those found to have engaged in sexual harassment are clearly stipulated
G) full protection and support is given to the victims of sexual harassment throughout the process and its outcome
- Take adequate measures to ensure that local management and trade union members and representatives are fully aware of the relevant international standards with regard to sexual harassment and the procedures outlined in Unilever’s Code of Business principles.
- Where there are areas of higher risk, e.g. plantations, where high levels of temporary labour have been employed and where there are high numbers of females supervised by a majority of males, specific awareness and training measures should be agreed and deployed by management and the trade union. The Unilever- IUF – IndustriALL Joint Working Party will assist with this process where required and will monitor and share experiences and best practice
- Agree on regular review procedures to monitor progress
Local union/management discussions on implementing the above procedures shall commence following the signing of this joint commitment, with completion in 2016."

Review and monitoring

see Implementation

Dispute settlement and sanctions

see Implementation

Main topic

sexual harassment

Secondary topic(s)

working conditions, industrial relations, discrimination, training, sanctions.
