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International Framework Agreement ABN Amro


ABN Amro

Date of signature

01 September 2015


CEO, UNI Global Union, FNV

Key objectives

“The signatories consider that this agreement is based on a joint commitment to human and social rights and to achieve continuous improvement within the areas of working conditions, industrial relations, health and safety standards in the workplace and environmental performance across the globe.”


indefinite term

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Parties are jointly responsible for the implementation and communication of this framework agreement. ABN AMRO shall communicate it to its national and local management teams and make””this agreement yearly known to its employees and will actively recommend the practices in this””agreement to the suppliers and subcontractors with whom the company has contractual relationships.”

Review and monitoring

“Parties commit themselves to create a monitoring group, consisting of a balanced representation of parties, with the role of looking into the divergences of interpretation and application of this framework and to present conclusions and suggestions to resolve them. The monitoring group will at least consists of representatives from ABN AMRO including HR, business, Corporate sustainability and FNV and UNI.The monitoring group shall meet once a year. The HR Director of ABN AMRO will be the meeting chair and prepares, together with a representative from the union, the agenda 15 days before the meeting. The monitoring group may rely on the existing information within ABN AMRO regarding the subjects in this agreement, by example the Sustainability Report.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“If a complaint should be filed under the terms of the present agreement that cannot be resolved by the national of regional management, UNI or FNV may raise the matter with ABN AMRO’s HR Director. An inquiry shall then be conducted without delay in an open and transparent manner.
If the issue can still not be resolved, it may be submitted to the monitoring group.
ln the event that parties are unable to resolve a dispute concerning the application of the present agreement after having discussed it at a meeting of the monitoring group, it may be submitted by mutual consent to a mediator. Parties shall choose the mediator jointly. Neither party may refuse a request for mediation without just cause.
The specific problems of employees or local disputes concerning collective bargaining shall be handled and settled in accordance with local dispute settlement procedures.
Recourse to a higher jurisdiction may only be justified if the question or issue relates to a right or a standard established within the context of the present agreement.”

Main topic

fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

forced labour, discriminations, child labour, trade unions, collective bargaining, social dialogue, decent wages, working hours, working conditions, work life balance, education and training, information and consultation, restructuring, sustainable development,
