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European framework agreement for developping skills and career paths - Safran



Date of signature

8 June 2021


Group HRD, Deputy general secretary IndustriAll Europe

Key objectives

This agreement therefore sets out common principles serving as a frame of reference for all European subsidiaries, with the aim of maintaining and developing skills and expertise at the highest level, boosting professional development and guaranteeing employability for all employees.


4 years renewable

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""To enable this agreement to be implemented, action plans will be drawn up by local Management teams and shared with union organizations and/or employee representative bodies provided they comply with the domestic laws and practices in force. Local action plans will corne with locally defined provisional deployment schedules.""
""This agreement shall particularly be available on the Group ntranet, to which all employees in the European scope have access. It may also be displayed on information boards and be made into a brochure.""

Review and monitoring

The parties agree to set up a committee to monitor this agreement (once a year). This committee will review the progress of the local action plans based on the indicators listed in appendix. If the monitoring committee finds any shortcomings in the local action plans, it may suggest areas for improvement, o an assessment of the indicators to allow possible changes and improvements.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

In the event of any disputes arising out of or in connection with the application and interpretation of this Group agreement, the parties shall endeavor to settle them between themselves. IndustriAII and Management shall endeavor to find an amicable solution to any such disputes, within a reasonable amount of time and in a spirit of cooperation.

Related texts

European framework agreement for professional integration of young people
European agreement on the development of skills and safeguarding of career paths (2015)

Main topic

Anticipating future changes to professions and developing and securing career paths for employees.

Secondary topic(s)

development interview, access to training, learning environnment, specialist branch, mobility.
