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Joint declaration on remote working -UniCredit



Date of signature

21 October 2020


Management, EWC

Key objectives

""This Joint Declaration aims at defining a set of future minimum quality standards of reference within the Group through a future progressive implementation, in line with the corporate approach oriented towards Ethics and Respect and which must find local implementation in each country consistently with specificities, available resources and service model. Collective labor agreements and local legal provisions will always prevail locally by regulating the negotiating profiles deriving from the contents of this Declaration.""


Not defined

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""The Parties commit to ensuring the broader dissemination and implementation of the contents of this Declaration in all countries of the Group, with the common purpose of promoting within the company, through social dialogue, the culture of remote work, taking into account the peculiarities and the current local ""best practices"" as well as the already achieved standards. Therefore, in the best interest of the effectiveness, full implementation and continuous improvement of this document:
• this Joint Declaration will be submitted to the attention of the Group’s Management of all companies and countries where the Group is present , with a view to informing and raising
awareness of its underlying principles, in line with the different national, legal framework and contracts, labor laws;""

Review and monitoring

"" the Declaration will be monitored jointly, at a central level, by the EWC Select Committee and by Central Management;""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

""During the UEWC Select Committee meetings, possible issues will be addressed by the parties, with the direct contribution of further EWC members not sitting in the Select Committee upon agreement of both Parties, with the aim to assess the current situation, at global and country level and guaranteeing proper attention and application of the principles of this Joint Declaration.""

Related texts

Main topic

remote working

Secondary topic(s)
