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Global framework agreement on social, societal and environmental responsibility between the Renault Group, the Group Works' Council and IndustriALL Global Union



Date of signature

02 July 2013


Groupe Renault, IndustriAll Global Union, Global Works Council

Key objectives

Renault " promotes responsible social dialogue on an international scale, and is now taking an additional step forward by signing a global agreement with the Renault Group Works' Council and IndustriALL Global Union."


Not defined

Applicable law

French law

Implementation and dissemination

"The management and members of the Renault Group Works' Council jointly oversee the effective implementation of the agreement, in liaison with IndustriALL Global Union. "

Review and monitoring

Follow-up for this agreement will be included in dialogue with Renault Group Committee and IndustriALL Global Union:
• Every year, at the plenary meeting of Renault Group Committee, the management will organise a follow-up meeting involving the permanent and observing members of Renault Group Committee and IndustriALL Global Union representatives.
• This meeting will be prepared by a committee made up of management representatives, members of the Select Committee and representatives from IndustriALL Global Union. As soon as the agreement is signed, this Committee will hold its first meeting in order to define the concrete modalities for following up on this agreement.
• Every 3 years, the signing parties will do a global report on the implementation of the agreement and will use this report to analyze possible adjustment measures, if needed."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"The signing parties commit to inform each other as soon as possible in case of difficulties in implementing this agreement in order to adopt an action plan quickly and find a solution within a short timeframe.
Local problems reported to the signing parties will be given priority in local social dialogue. Renault Group commits itself to creating the conditions for this level of dialogue. Where appropriate, a solution may be sought at national, regional or company level.
Considerate to maintain a necessary atmosphere of trust for situations like this, the signing parties commit themselves to giving preference to negotiated solutions over any other action. Meanwhile, the discussions will remain confidential."

Related texts

Renault Group Employees' fundamental rights declaration (2004)

Main topic

Fundamental social rights, CSR

Secondary topic(s)

Freedom of association collective bargaining, forced labour, child labour, early workforce and skills planning, social dialogue, social protection, health and safety, training, social responsibility, environmental responsibility
