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Global agreement on the involvement of unions to monitor the respect of worker's conditions at supplier -Inditex



Date of signature

03 May 2012


ITGLWF, Inditex

Key objectives

The agreement signed by Inditex – owner of Zara – and the International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers’ Federation (ITGLWF) defines the modalities for union intervention throughout the production chain. It gives the tools to monitor the practical application of the key international framework agreement signed in 2007, which guarantees decent working conditions among the group’s suppliers worldwide.


Not defined

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"The ITGLWF and Inditex shall meet once a year to review developments in the supply chain and the implementation of the international framework agreement (short IFA)"
"To contribute to the provisions above, and to further implement the provisions of the IFA, Inditex and ITGLWF, shall put in place training schemens aimed at providing a better understanding of the IFA. The general goal of such training programs consists of involving manager, officials, workers and supervisors from suppliers and external manufacturers wich constitutes Inditex's supply chain, as well as representatives of local trade unions from each of the countries involved. Joint training schemes shall take into account all relevant issues [...]."

Review and monitoring

"The ITGLWF and Inditex shall meet once a year to review developments in the supply chain and the implementation of the IFA."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

not defined

Related texts

Framework agreement signed in 2007 and renewed in 2019, which guarantees decent working conditions among the group’s suppliers worldwide.

Main topic

implementation of the framework agreement signed in 2007, which guarantees decent working conditions among the group’s suppliers worldwide.

Secondary topic(s)

union rights, training
