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European agreement on improving quality of life at work - GDF Suez


GDF Suez

Date of signature

27 November 2014


GDF Suez CEO, EPSU, IndustriAll Europe

Key objectives

This Europe-wide agreement, defines a reference framework enabling the continuousimprovement of quality of life in at work in every country and entity, through social dialogue
and the enfranchisement of all stakeholders


Unlimited period

Applicable law

"This agreement will be filed with the DIRECCTE (Regional Work, Employment and Vocational Training Department) in Paris, under whose jurisdiction the head office of GDF SUEZ is located. A copy will also be filed with the labour tribunal, whose jurisdiction the GDF SUEZ head
offices fall within."

Implementation and dissemination

"Each entity defines its action plan in line with the diagnostic which has been drawn up and circulated. This action plans includes monitoring indicator and an implementation schedule" Dissemination
"The GDF Suez management ensures that this agreement be communicated to the Group's stakeholders" (managers, employees, staff representatives and trade union organisations, suppliers and subcontractors)."

Review and monitoring

"This agreement is monitored by a commission made up of 15 members who meet once a yier".

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the case of a grievance (non-compliance with the agreement and its application) if local discussion processes have not resulted in a solution, the case can be presented to the European Federations with all the relevant documents. A meeting will then be organised between a delegation from the European Federations and Management, in order to examine the case and decide the appropriate measures to be taken in order to resolve the grievance."

Related texts

Group's agreements on Health & Safety and gender equality in the workplace.

Main topic

Quality of life at work,

Secondary topic(s)

health and safety, company organization, interpersonal relationships, change management, professional development, the work-life balance, psychosocial risks, views and expectations of employees.
