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European Social Charter on Workplace Equality - BNP Paribas


BNP Paribas

Date of signature

16 September 2014


Head of Group Human Resources, FECEC, UNI Europa, BNP Paribas European Works Council

Key objectives

"This Agreement follows the first European Agreement signed on 10 July 2012 realting to the management of employment, and therefore constitutes the second part of BNP Paribas' European Social Charter." Signatories « intend to confirm and reinforce the efforts made in favour of workplace equality within theEuropean Group Companies, and to guarantee each woman and each man, at every
stage of their professional life, equal treatment based upon their skills and performance,
whatever their gender may be. "


3 years (may be renewed by tacit agreement, unless notice of termination is given six month prior the end)

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Not defined

Review and monitoring

"Follow-up on the application of this Agreement will be carried out on an annual basis as a part of a meeting of the Group's European Works Council. At this meeting, a specific and detailed review of the introduction of reporting applications will be produced and presented to the members of the Council."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

the signatories recommend that an appeal process is established in conjunction with a local HR adviser in each company of the BNP Paribas Group in Europe, to allow those men and woman who feel they have been victims of wage discrimination to put forward their point of view to a neutral intermediary.

Related texts

BNPP Social Charter

Main topic

Gender equality

Secondary topic(s)

Guarantee equality of opportunity in career management, Promotion and career Development, Acces to vocational training, Purse wage equality between women and men, Contribute to a better professional and private life balance, Encouring women's networks and sharing best practices, Promoting the diversity of staff representatives
