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Global framework agreement on Human Rights and Working Conditions - Man SE


Man SE

Date of signature

03 March 2012


MAN SE, German Central WC, IndustriAll

Key objectives

"With this International Framework Agreement the International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF), the MAN SE Works Council and MAN SE profess their support for basic human rights and employee rights."


Not defined

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"The competent direcors of the respective units are responsible for adherence to these principles. They appoint contacts to whon employees, business partners and customers can turn. They will take suitable measures in the event of any justified complaints. Regardless of this, all employees are strongly urged to observe these principles and assume responsibility for doing so."

Review and monitoring

"In the first quarter of every year Group man- agement reports to the undersigned parties on entries, social responsibility activities in the Company and implementation of these prin- ciples and discusses these items with the parties. "

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Suitible Measures: " If directors do not resolve the matter, all employees are also free to use the MAN Group's tip-off system. Entries are recieved by the Labor Relations department in the Human Resources function at the Corporate Center, which will then follow up on the information and take appropriate action."

Related texts

Main topic

fundamental social rights,

Secondary topic(s)

freedom of association, equal opportunity, employees' involvment, health protection, skills development
