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European framework agreement on social responsibility and sustainable development - Michelin



Date of signature

26 March 2014


Michelin's European Works Council (CEEM) and management

Key objectives

1) improving the conditions allowing MICHELIN to remain an attractive employer arousing commitment from all its employees;
2) make constant progress in the practice of its values, notably the sincere promotion of diversity and the development of people’s wellbeing;
3) provide the talents and resources it needs at the right time and place


3 years

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The provisions of the present Agreement will come into force as soon as the conditions are met at local level. The signing parties agree to let employee representatives in the companies included in the Agreement’s scope know about the present Agreement, as well as employees depending on modalities to be defined.

Review and monitoring

An annual report on the implementation of the present Agreement will be added to the economic information usually addressed once a year at one of the CEEM’s plenary meetings.
A summary of the questions raised by the analysis of this annual report will be presented once a year, if deemed necessary, at the full meeting of CEEM members, in keeping with confidentiality rules.
In order to make it easier to monitor implementation of this Agreement, in addition to the annual CEEM report, each country may send an annual report on the implementation of the said agreement, following local provisions.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“In order to anticipate and solve problems that may arise in the interpretation or implementation of the present Agreement, the signing parties agree that they will examine any dispute resulting from the interpretation or implementation of this agreement themselves.
a) It is agreed that every employee can turn to a member of the local site management, a personnel service delegate, an employee representative, a union representative from the undertaking to which they belong or a member of the CEEM, and there cannot be any retaliation for it.
b) If the problems lasts or no satisfactory solution is found after a first exchange with the local management or one of the entities mentioned in paragraph a), the issue may be sent to the CEEM’s bureau, which will have to ask the question to the Chairman of the CEEM. The Chairman will have to present, in keeping with confidentiality rules, all the questions s/he has received, once a year, for instance at one of the meetings of all CEEM members.”

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental social rights

Secondary topic(s)

Equal opportunities and fight against discrimination with a spirit of diversity, competitiveness of Michelin, and health and safety at work
