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Global agreement between Loomis AB (publ) and UNI Global Union and Swedish transport worker's union


Loomis AB

Date of signature

19 December 2013


Jarl Dahlfors, CEO of LOOMIS AB, Philip Jennings, General Secretary of UNI GLOBAL UNION, and Lars Lindgren, President of the SWEDISH TRANSPORT WORKERS' UNION

Key objectives

"Through this Global Agreement, the Parties wish tostrengthen their mutual dialogue concerning human rights and fundamental labour
rights, especially related to the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, with a view to support through mutual cooperation continued development of sustainable business growth (...) and sustainable and satisfying working conditions for the employees."


2 years
"This Agreement shall become effective from the date of signing and is valid for a period of two (2) years, after which is will continue in effect until terminated by either Party by six (6) months written notice."

Applicable law

Swedish law

Implementation and dissemination

"The Parties will communicate this Agreement and the commitment to its principles throughout their respective organisations and will each have a responsibility for the implementation of the Agreement in good faith. Loomis will make the Policy public by way of posting it on the Loomis’ intranet and external web page."

Review and monitoring

"The Parties agree that an Implementation Group will meet once every year to discuss progress within the scope of this Agreement and of the implementation of the Agreement and the Policy. At such meetings, joint projects in particularly challenging markets may be agreed upon. The discussions should be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Loomis’ European Works Council or as
otherwise agreed by the parties."
"Should events motivate further meetings, either Party may request one additional meeting per year, in which event the other Party shall not unreasonably deny the request to meet."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"If a complaint under this Agreement remains unresolved after being submitted to the relevant Country or Regional Manager, UNI may raise the matter with the Loomis Group Vice President for Human Resources. A timely investigation shall then be conducted in an open and transparent manner. If the matter is still unresolved, it can be referred to the Implementation Group."
"In the event that the parties are unable to resolve a dispute concerning the application of this Agreement after discussion at the Implementation Group meeting, the matter may be referred, by mutual agreement, to a neutral mediator.

The mediator shall be jointly selected by the parties. A request for mediation will not be unreasonably denied by either party."
Specific employee concerns or local collective bargaining disputes will be handled and concluded in accordance with local grievance procedures. Escalation beyond the local procedure is only appropriate when the matter relates to a right or standard established in this Agreement."

Related texts

Loomis Group Global Worker’s Rights Policy

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

Human rights, trade union recognition, freedom of association and collective bargaining
