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European social charter employment management - BNP Paribas


BNP Paribas

Date of signature

1 July 2012


Head of Group Human Resources BNP Parbas Executive Committee and Europeran Federation of Credit Establishment Managerial Staff (FECEC), European Trade Union Federation for Services and Communication (UNI Europa), BNP Paribas European Works Council secretary, BNP Paribas European Works Council assistant secretary, BNP Paribas European Works Council office members

Key objectives

« The present agreement sets out the rules and processes to be observed by BNP Paribas Group companies in Europe with regard to : anticipating change and social support where such programmes have workforce implications »


Fixed term. Renewable tacitely for 3 other years.

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Review and monitoring

« The application of the present agreement will be reviewed each year at a meeting of the EWC's Select Committee.»

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Main topic

Anticipation of change

Secondary topic(s)

information on changes, Employee appraisal and career development, avoid redundancies, accompanying measures
