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Agreement between Fellesforbundet/IndustriAll Global Union and Norske Skogindustrier ASA on the development of good working relations in Norske Skogindustrier's worldwide operations


Norske Skog

Date of signature

11 December 2013


President CEO Norske Skogindustrier ASA, General Secretary IndustriALL; President Fellesforbundet

Key objectives

"The Agreement is based on the signatories’ joint commitment to respect basic human rights and trade union rights in the community, and to achieve continuous improvements within the areas of working conditions, industrial relations with the employees of Norske Skog, health and safety standards at the workplace and environmental performance.(...) the parties agree that they should actively cooperate locally, nationally and internationally. Cooperation is to be built on mutual respect, confidence and freely available and honest information. This ensures the possibility for the employees to influence decisions through consultation with the management."


Indefinite (until cancellation or renegotiation)
"Cancellation or renegotiation must take place with a notice of at least 6 months, and shall be followed by mandatory negotiations initiated by the company"

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"a) Norske Skog will ensure that appropriate translations of the Agreement are available at all workplaces. The Agreement will also be made public on Norske
Skog’s website and Intranet.
b) Both parties accept that effective local monitoring of this Agreement must involve the local management, the workers and their representatives, health and safety
representatives and local trade union.
c) To enable local representatives to play a full role in the monitoring process, they will be given adequate time for training and involvement in the monitoring process. The company will ensure that local representatives are provided with information, access to workers, and rights of inspection necessary to effectively monitor compliance with this Agreement."

“Fellesforbundet/IndustriALL Global Union will distribute copies of this Agreement to all its member unions that organize employees in Norske Skog companies worldwide, and broadly publicize the existence of the Agreement.
Likewise, Norske Skog will distribute copies of this Agreement to all Norske Skog locations, their partners and contractors in the language(s) of the country concerned and will inform the local management about the conclusion and content of this Agreement."

Review and monitoring

"The signatories to the Agreement will hold an annual meeting in order to review the principles, practice, effectiveness, and impact of the Agreement. The aim shall be to exchange views regarding the current situation, and jointly develop further good working relations in Norske Skog."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Infringements of the Agreement:
"In the event of a complaint or an infringement of the Agreement the following procedure will normally apply:
a) Firstly, the complaint should be raised with the local site management.
b) If the complaint is not resolved with local management, it should be referred to the appropriate national union who will raise the issue with the company’s regional president.
c) If still unresolved, the complaint will be referred to the IndustriALL Global Union Geneva office who will raise the matter with the company’s Corporate Management.
Where infringements are found, these shall be reported to the responsible member of management, who will ensure that relevant corrective measures are implemented."

Related texts

Agreement between Fellesforbundet/ICEM and Norske Skogindustrier ASA on the Development of Good Working Relations in Norske Skogindustrier’s Worldwide Operations (2002)

Main topic

Trade unions and employees’ representatives rights, improvement of working conditions

Secondary topic(s)

right to organize and bargain collectively, non discrimination, forced labour, child labour, health and safety, wages, employment conditions.

