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International Framework Agreement - Sodexo



Date of signature

12 December 2011


Sodexo CEO, IUF General Secretary

Key objectives

Affirming its commitment to respect human rights and to being a socially responsible company.


Termination upon 6 months notice.

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"To the extent that the parties reach any agreements that impose obligations on one or the other that may go beyon local legislative requirements or existing agreements, those obligations will be implemented in phases so that the parties can work together to ensure the success of the agreement and minimize any potential adverse impact on either party. The exact phasing of the roll out will be mutually agreed by Sodexo human resources leadership and the IUF Secretariat , after consultation with the delegation of its representatives participating to the Sodexo IUF annual meeting.
This agreement shall be spread in national languages on both global and local levels.

Review and monitoring

"Sodexo and IUG acknowledgy the importance to maintain an ongoing communication between organization, in order to review the implementation of the agreement, to jointly work for resolving any differences arising from the implementation of the agreement and for finding ways to advance social dialogue (...)". An annual meeting between senior representatives of Sodexo human resources leadership at Sodexo and the IUF delegation. Local visits by a representative of Sodexo human resources leadership and a representative of the IUF secretariat based on the modalites and planning will be defined by a joint agreement.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"All unresolved issues regarding the implementation of an compliance with this agreement will be reviewed at the "Sodexo-IUF annual meeting", and urgent or severa matters will be raised during the course of ongoing communication between the IUF Secretariat and Sodexo human ressources leadership, at the initiative of one or the other of the parties to resorve the issue. (...) In the vent that the disagreement still persists after the efforts in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 are exhausted, the matter may be referred to a mutually agreed independent mediator to facilitate negociated resolution".

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

Freedom of association, right to organize & to collective bargaining, discrimination, health and safety
