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Danone / IUF Agreement on health, safety, working conditions and stress



Date of signature

4 October 2011


Danone, IUF

Key objectives

Developp a policy intended to prevent occupational accidents and health risks that are consequent upon work, work-related, or occur during working time, by minimizing, as far as possible, the causes of risks in the workplace.



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""Company managements shall forward one copy of this Agreement, in the language of the country concerned, to the trade unions represented in the company and/or to the staff representative body.
They shall find further appropriate means to inform all personnel concerning the principles of this Agreement.
IUF shall circulate this Agreement to affiliated organisations represented in the Danone companies.
Danone shall circulate this Agreement, in accordance with best practice, to its suppliers and subcontractors ""
""In this respect, the management of every Danone company should define, apply and periodically review a coherent policy on the safety, health and working environment of employees, in consultation with trade unions and/or staff representative bodies"".

Review and monitoring

""Danone and IUF agree to the establishment of joint monitoring of this Agreement in the Group companies. This monitoring shall consist of at least one annual specifial meeting of the IUF/Danone Steering Committee to analyse the following indicators which will be included in the annual report of financial and social indicators to all the CI (EWC) members"".

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Conflict resolution
"Any trade union or company management shall be entitled, via the appropriate channels (IUF for trade unions), to submit the matter to the Agreement Interpretation Committee if it considers that one or several provisions of this Agreement present a difficulty of application. The actual dispositions concerned must be clearly indicated.
The Danone/IUF Steering Committee shall act as the Interpretation Committee. Should the findings be unanimously arrived at, they shall become enforceable. In the opposite case, each party shall remain free to act as it sees fit, subject to the provisions of this Agreement."

Main topic

health and safety, working conditions and stress

Secondary topic(s)

Risk prevention, consultation and involvment of employees, health and safety at work, safety means, balance between efficiency and wellbeing at work
