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Global agreement of an ideamanagement Health & Safety at ThyssenKrupp Elevator Operating Units


ThyssenKrupp Elevator

Date of signature

14 November 2012


CHRO TKE OU CENE, CHRO TKE ou SEAME, European Works Council, IG Metall, IndutriALL, Senior Manager H&S TKE OU SEAME, Vice President H&S TLE OU CENE

Key objectives

"Development and implementation of a comprehensive and flexible Ideamanagement health&Safety for improvement of occupational safety and health protection. The agreement also promotes the cooperation between trade unions and employees for improving and creating the new occupational safety standards, and the responsibility of the employer in this situation."


5 years automatically renewable for 3 other years

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Ideas, experiences and improvement suggestions will be verifyed by ThyssenKrupp which will implement suitable solutions for developping the culture of health and safety within the company "
"The suggestions come from individuals or groups and are based on a personal initiative, and are not a result of concrete task or order."
"The participants of Ideamanagement Health&Safety are employees, members of local or central assessment committees, memebers of the OU Idea Management Steering Committee."

Review and monitoring

" A reporting system based on regular assessments is implemented. The system assists the control of the level of implementation for each suggestion in each country or branch/MC"

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Conflict resolution
" If the employee does not agree with the decision made, he appeals to the responsible H&S manager is passed on to the central assessment committee. If no agreement is found, the second appeal is passed on to the central assessment committee.".

Related texts

Main topic

Health and safety

Secondary topic(s)

Improvement of working conditions, motivation, health and safety, environment, sustainable development
