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Global agreement for the promotion of social dialogue and diversity and the respect of fundamental labour rights - Rheinmetall



Date of signature

12 October 2018


Labour Director of Rheinmetall, chairman of the EWC on behalf on behalf of IndustriAll Global Union

Key objectives

"The parties recognise and acknowledge their responsibility to the Rheinmetall Group and its employees and are of the conviction that the principles laid down in this Agreement will make an important contribution to the corporate culture and to better cooperation within the Rheinmetall Group across departmental, hierarchical and national lines."



Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Communication of the principles of social responsibility
The principles are communicated to all management, employees and employee representatives throughout the Group in an appropriate form. They can be viewed at any time by any and all employees as well as by external third parties on the Intranet, Internet and through permanent posting. This means not least that these principles are translated into all languages spoken at Rheinmetall Group sites. Information and communication measures to inform employees as well as training courses for plant managers and employee representatives are discussed with employee representatives at the sites and implemented or carried out jointly. "
"Reporting misconduct and violations
Employees and their employee representatives have the right to report problems, misconduct and alleged or actual violations of the agreed principles to management, local employee representatives, the European Works Council or IndustriALL Global Union in writing or verbally. Information may also be sent confidentially to compliance officers at the companies or anonymously via the electronic whistle-blower system or the ombudsman. Protection of whistleblowers is to be ensured; they must not suffer any disadvantages."

Review and monitoring

"The parties agree that any and all differences arising from the interpretation and implementation of this Agreement will be reviewed jointly with the aim and objective of arriving at a solution."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the event of complaints or information of fundamental importance which cannot be resolved by options at the local level, Rheinmetall Group will follow up on the information and involve Rheinmetall AG's Labour Director. The Rheinmetall Group will notify the Executive Committee of the European Works Council about any such complaints and information in good time before the next meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Works Council. In such a case, Rheinmetall Group and the Executive Committee of the European Works Council will consult with each other and exchange proposals for a solution."

Main topic

human rights at work

Secondary topic(s)

